120 thoughts on “Waiting for the bus.

  1. I finally tried my hand as some photography last night. I am planning on using them as reference soon… So far the results are promising! If I need any inspiration I will just come here 🙂


    • Hi Thomas…and yes, I’ve read your article. Each year I make several trips to London. I enjoy being there. I take photos, talk to people, visit museums or parks… you can find many pictures in my blog concerning London.
      That’s why I’m interested in articles about this unique City!


  2. Very Nice !! Just wondering how you do that . Works of Art , indeed , also reminds me of that place where I almost visited that place for work 4-5 years back .


  3. Amazing detail in the girl! Again so surreal! What’s that big thing in the background? It looks like an air filter for a car… How do you get these shots?


    • The huge thing is the backside of a small restaurant.
      I cannot say exactly how I get the shots…but I always hope for unexpected results. And I never ever give up. 😉


      • Well you are beyond good, and rest high in the ‘excellent’ catagory, where people can learn photography from you! Expanitory, instructional blogs to go along with those shots would go a long way to constructing a hard copy virgin that could make you mega-bucks! When it comes to photography, you’re a born natural!


      • Thank you so much for this wonderful and lovely comment Spartacus! But I still have much to learn…life is an adventure full of joy and hope! ;-))


  4. A Philip K.Dick’s “every night. I think I went through – or by – King’s Cross last July, and it bears no resemblance… Which means you picture has created a parallel universe.
    Well done.


    • I’ve been several times at Kings Cross and I find this place has so many different faces…as I read your comment, I can remember that indeed there’s sometimes a feeling of being in a parallel world, especially by night…

      Liked by 1 person

      • And well captures by your eye, Josephine. (Du heisst Joséphine, richtig?)
        (I sometimes get mixed up with names)


      • Pffff. I did get that right… 😉
        Gutte nacht Joséphine.
        (Or is it Gute? I’m afraid my spelling in German is awful)


      • Viel dank. I’m very proud to report that I only had to check one word: “ebenfalls” though I more or less figured the sense. 🙂
        (Technically I don’t speak German. Just mumble it)


      • That’s okay! 😉
        I love English and always try to improve my language practice but it’s not easy because all people around me speak German or, to be more pecise, Bavarian! ;-D

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wenn du weinst, wenn du weinst
        Dass i wandere muss…
        Strange. I “learned” this song in the US, in grad school, a friend of ours was from München, she played it on the guitar. And we all more or less “learned” to mumble the song. Even today, it reminds me of a camp fire on the beach, and a blue-eyed blonde mädchen singing a beautiful song in the sunset… (Probably aren’t that many french who’ve heard the song)
        Tschüss Joséphine.


      • Yes, yes, yes! A very “weird” scene in a movie when Elvis was drafted and stationed in Germany. Thanks for reminding me this “cover”.
        At any rate, it is a lovely song.
        have a lovely week-end my friend


  5. absolute perfection. I may need to reconsider my dislike for street photograpy genre


  6. This image is, well, “Awesomer!” That’s even better then awesome…..lol


  7. Gorgeous shot, and a great setup for a story. Almost anything could walk into this scene: a long-forgotten lover, a lost child, a boy with a broken heart, Death himself . . .


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