160 thoughts on “Part-time Garden.

  1. Hello Josephine!!! This is brilliant, as always! I hope You had/are having a wondeful, restful break! Please forgive me if this is inappropriate to ask, but I’m wondering if You would please possibly tell me what wordpress theme You are using? I was using a theme for many months that just had the „like“ buttons on my posts that are on my home page so it’s just easy for people to bop by and they don’t have to click into the post if they are in a hurry. It changed months ago. WordPress said it happened to everyone with that theme. It reformatted and the like button is gone. No way to bring it back. It was very similar to what You are using….that’s why I’m asking. No worries at all if You’d rather not say!!! Huge hugs and rock on! 🤗💖😊

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