


On a starry night let us lift up the veil that covers the new year that awaits us, face it with courage and find the strength that lies within ourselves to deal with everything what may come our way.


I wish you and your loved ones a Happy Holiday Season and a peaceful and healthy

New Year 2018. May all your wishes come true!

Thanks for all kind support and hope we will see us again next year.


Next post: January 14, 2018.

Text and illustration by Josephine.

185 thoughts on “Course.

  1. Thanks Josephine. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday to you. Can’t wait to see your works in 2018! Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amazing art. Thank you for all the wonderful stories told in your lovely and thoughtful pictures! It takes me a long time to understand some of them. A blessed holiday for you. I look forward to seeing you (as expressed in the pictures) again in 2018!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is a beautiful image and I love your sub-text. Thank-you for your kind wishes and may I wish you a very happy Christmas and good wishes for the New Year. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dear Josephine, what a nice pic and thanx a lot for your wishes,
    connected greetings and all the best to you now and during the coming new year, we will see us,

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It’s a lovely idea that something seemingly distant like the moon would be hiding in the bush and a child would treasure-hunt it. It could be scary as the eerie color of the night, but that’s the thrill!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. A happy holiday season to you, too, Josephine! I really enjoyed your pictures this year, and I’m looking forward to see more of your work next year.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Dear Josephine – Best wishes for the new year to you! Thank you for sharing these posts, a gift of beauty and the surreal, to shake us up, lift us up, liven things up. I appreciate it, be well, zei gezunt, Robert

    Liked by 3 people

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