118 thoughts on “A Matter of Principle.

  1. This is wonderful – it would make an excellent book cover for a fantasy novel!
    Das ist wunderbar – es wäre eine hervorragende Buchumschlag für einen Fantasy-Roman!


  2. Love the digital collage. It reminds me of my husband’s art work he used to do back in the 1980s and 1990s. Not digital then all hand drawn, shaded, and colored, and with photocopies. If you have an email I’ll email you a photo of a couple we still have hanging on the wall.
    He also did a lot of flyers for bands back then as well. Anyway, all that to say, I really like your work.


    • Hi….thanks for stopping by! I’m a huge fan of collage, especially from the pre-digital era where the collages are made in such a elaborate artistic manner what is really adorable. I look forward to a photo of your husband’s art work, here’s my emailadress: presencerecorded@mail.de. Thank you and have a beautiful sunday evening! Josephine.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey 🙂
    I just discovered your blog and it is so impressive! These pictures are cool!
    Maybe you want to look at my blog too?
    Yours, littlegreenraven


  4. Excellent. There was a recent article about how brain activity in certain lizards indicate that they are dreaming. This composition fits the news. 🙂


    • That’s very interesting. I have a special relation to these animals since I saw a lizard for the first time as I was a child. I love them.


  5. I would caption this: “Hello, my name is Apocalypse. But I’m pretty!” 🙂


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