137 thoughts on “Leadenhall Market, London.

  1. Wonderful. How do you get that magically incisive feel to your fantastic pictures? Is it just your eye and the camera and the light? Thanks for answering.


    • Hi Francis, thanks for your interest! I use a good camera… that’s important – the better the camera the better the results. I always shoot in raw formats and use photoshop for postprocessing to improve the light, contrasts and colours. I also work with a colour wheel to control how the colours work together and to get harmonious colour results.


  2. Ok it’s official I need photography tips from your ASAP! The picture is beautiful though and the colors are stunning. I’m glad I found your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice shot. Knowing how busy Leadenhall Market can get, I assume you got there really early to get this image?

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have been there twice, early in the morning and in the afternoon. On both occasions there wasn’t much going on. I suppose there is more life on the evening? Anyway, it’s a very interesting place.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes – I used to work just around the corner (for a few months) so I only ever got to see it at lunchtimes on weekdays – when it was heaving! Next time I’m in London I’ll head out early – looks a great place to photograph.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Many compliments for this beautiful artwork and my thanks for your kind Like on my post “Scenery” shown on my blog dispenza.wordpress.com.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not sure….it’s such a long time ago that I watched the films….but I think Leadenhall was the place where Harry Potter bought his magic articles, books and so far… The train station was at King’s Cross as far as I can remember, track 9 3/4.

      Liked by 1 person

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