103 thoughts on “London Bridge Station.

  1. Great shot – tunnels are a photographic art form in themselves. You like stations and possibly churches. Have you ever combined them in what I have always called “St. Pancras Cathedral?” Thank you for liking my blog. Des.


  2. Very dramatic & eye-catching use of perspective and contrast. 🙂


  3. I’m amazed that you managed to capture this scene without people in the tunnel. The group of figures are beautifully framed, and your control of the light, tonality and processing is impressive. This approach has made me think……


    • Thank you! This was one of these rare occasions when a part of the London underground was empty. I made this picture on my way to the next station. Sometimes you have a lucky chance! ;))


  4. Great shot!! I like how it has a vanishing point and gives you a sense of depth. I’m new to photography and I hope to learn how to take photos like this!!


  5. Woah this is an awesome photograph!! I love it. What a brilliant photographer you are. I’m definatly following your work.


  6. words fail me but then that is supposed to happen with the best of images


  7. You’ve made something quite utilitarian beautiful – the atmosphere, the sharpness, the perspective, the tones and the perspective. A very intriguing photograh!


  8. Your black and white photographs and your perspective, how you see things is amazing. This image should be in a movie. Very cool.


    • I love the Borough Market. There’s a wonderful spice merchant where I bought some very special spices during our last stay in London. I hope to be there again soon. 🙂


      • I used to live just down the road next to Bricklayers’ Arms roundabout – that was when Borough Market was just a cool little market in the neighborhood. Pity it became so touristy 😉


      • Yes, it’s touristy, but not always. In the morning are less people there, and I don’t go to the markets on Friday or Saturday. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Großartig. Die Perspektive … fühle mich förmlich angesogen. Die S/W-Bearbeitung ist sehr gelungen.
    Schönes Wochenende und viele Grüße aus Hannover


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