84 thoughts on “Through Woods and Meadows.

  1. Looks awesome!! Congrats!
    Please tell me, this is a simple black and white photo using an ND filter or did you take an IR photo and made it black and white??


    • Thank you, I’m glad you like it! I made this photo during walk through the Richmond Park, London. I didn’t use any filters. In postprocessing I converted the picture in monochrome and added a little dramatic touch.


  2. Beautiful – I love natural landscapes like this! I love the way you have captured the shapes in the clouds – for me, they help to frame the image 🙂


  3. I really like this one. What did you do on post processing, if I may ask, please?


      • Thanks Josephine. I looked at the park on Google Maps. I’ve never looked at London on a map before. Funny, I now have a general, 2 dimensional idea of the place.


  4. Would you mind sharing what your aperture was for this shot? I find this image extremely interesting. In order to get the tree in the center to stand out I figured you were using a long lens at maybe f3.5 but everything in the background appears to be relatively sharp too. Thanks.


  5. This photograph is BEAUTIFUL. I get the feeling that a storm is coming, or a storm has passed, just beautiful.


  6. Right up there with Ansel Adams — thank you!

    I work for D&R Greenway Land Trust, preserving woods and meadows — thank you for calling attention to their majesty

    Carolyn Edelmann, Princeton NJ USA NJWILDBEAUTY nature blog


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