32 thoughts on “A breeze in the reading corner.

  1. Stunning! – Grandios erwischt! Man spΓΌrt den Wind, der plΓΆtzlich durch den Lesestoff fegt. Irgendwie auch sehr geheimnisvoll … Fesselt mich.

    LG Michèle


  2. Beautiful love this. There’s something so captivating about the wind when it blows on by isn’t there and you captured that moment stunningly, loved it πŸ™‚


      • You are truly welcome, I am fast becoming an avid fan of your wonderful work πŸ™‚

        Have a great weekend, God bless you lots πŸ™‚


      • This makes me so happy, you give me a lot of motivation! Wish you wonderful and sunny weekend days! Best, Josephine.


      • Thank you and you are most welcome πŸ™‚

        Peace, love and blessings abundant to you today and always πŸ™‚


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